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Claas 9182380

DTV Nr: 610119


Suitable for machinetype: Quadrant 1150 C, 1200 RC, 2200 RC, Quantum 3800 K, 3500 K/P/S, 4500 P/S, 5500 P/S, 6800 P/S Rollant 240, 250 RC, 255 RC, 255 Uniwaap, Variant 180 RC, 260 RC, 280 R, Sprint 230 T, 260 K/P, 280 K, 300 G/K/T, 320 K, 324 K, 330 K/P/S/U, 334 K, 335 P/S, 4000 P/S, 434 K, 440 K/P/S/U, 445 K/P/S/U, 5000 P/S, Jaguar 51, 71, 75, 85, 675, 680, 682, 685 SL, 690 SL, 695 SL, 800, 820, 840, 860, 880, pick-up 2,20 m, 300 HD, 380 HD, 430 pick-up

Product is packaged in boxes of 10, 1 product = 1 box of 10.
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    SKU: 610119 Category:


    The original sparepart name and numbers are for identification purposes only

    DTV Nr: 610119